Bygone Spares and Restoration
Incorporating Octagon Manufacturing
"A customer is the most important visitor on our premises.
He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him.
He is not an interruption in our work - he is the purpose of it.
We are not doing him a favour by serving him. He is doing us a favour by giving us the opportunity to serve him.
- Mahatma Gandhi"
What can we say about Bygone Spares and Restorations & indeed Bruce Sharman. The compliments received by judges & "lovers of all things Morrie" at the National Rally about Bruce's work were coming thick & fast. What Bruce doesn't know about restoration isn't worth knowing & his attention to detail is first-rate. You won't find anyone better to restore your beloved vehicle...and you get a big bonus at the end.Not only do you get back your car; restored back to it's former glory, you also have yourselves TWO new friends called Bruce & Linda !! Now that truly is " a gift with purchase"."
"Bruce's knowledge is second to none and he is generous in sharing all he knows, which is a lot":
" Dealing with Bygone is like revisiting the old days when the customer was right and important...even when he is clearly busy he takes time for you and all your questions"
"he is humble don't let that fool you he is a fount of wisdom and knowledge.....and a true gentleman...his enthusiasm is infectious"
"Bygone Spares and Restorations are doing work to such a high standard that I am proud to drive my car and they have my total trust..."
"high standards that speak for themselves"
"Bloody magic Bruce
Am I glad I found you
If I hadnt this would have been scrapped !!"
"it is great to get the updates"
"I have confidence ..completely"
"..how do you get those welds so perfect?"
"when you have been around as long as me you quickly work out who knows their business and who is full of **.....this man is the real deal...."
"brilliant products...best I have seen"
:"the wiring workshop was fascinating......and my husband enjoyed it too,,"
"such lovely hospitality from Bruce and Linda...so interesting..lovely setting"